Nagaland Mandi Bhav Today | आज का मंडी भाव | Commodity Market Rate
Check out what's happening in Nagaland! We're keeping an eye on the daily 'mandibhav' or market rates for everything from veggies to grains. It's like getting the lowdown on the whole market scene right here in Nagaland. This is great for all of us farmers and buyers to know what's what. Whether you're selling your harvest or just curious, our page has got the freshest updates. It's all about boosting our local farming community. Swing by and stay in the loop!
Nagaland Mandi Bhav Today
Mokokchung (सुपारी-Arecanut(Betelnut/Supari)) ₹2500 -
₹2700 | ▼ Commodity: Arecanut(Betelnut/Supari) Variety: Red Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2700 Modal Price: ₹2600 |
Mon (केला-Banana) ₹4500 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Banana Variety: Banana-Organic Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Mon (हरी मिर्च-Green Chilli) ₹13000 -
₹13000 | ▼ Commodity: Green Chilli Variety: Green Chilly Min.Price: ₹13000 Max.Price: ₹13000 Modal Price: ₹13000 |
Phek (पत्तेदार सब्जी-Leafy Vegetable) ₹1050 -
₹1450 | ▼ Commodity: Leafy Vegetable Variety: Leafy Vegetables Min.Price: ₹1050 Max.Price: ₹1450 Modal Price: ₹1250 |
Peren (पपीता (कच्चा)-Papaya (Raw)) ₹2000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Papaya (Raw) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Mon (करेला-Bitter gourd) ₹4000 -
₹6000 | ▼ Commodity: Bitter gourd Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹6000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Zunheboto (बैंगन-Brinjal) ₹4000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Brinjal Variety: Brinjal Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹4400 |
Dimapur (टमाटर-Tomato) ₹5000 -
₹7000 | ▼ Commodity: Tomato Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹7000 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Zunheboto (बीन्स-Beans) ₹3500 -
₹4500 | ▼ Commodity: Beans Variety: Local Min.Price: ₹3500 Max.Price: ₹4500 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Dimapur (पत्ता गोभी-Cabbage) ₹4000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Cabbage Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹4400 |
Kohima (लहसुन-Garlic) ₹5700 -
₹5900 | ▼ Commodity: Garlic Variety: Garlic Min.Price: ₹5700 Max.Price: ₹5900 Modal Price: ₹5800 |
Kiphire (आलू-Potato) ₹3400 -
₹3700 | ▼ Commodity: Potato Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3400 Max.Price: ₹3700 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
Zunheboto (भिंडी-Bhindi(Ladies Finger)) ₹3500 -
₹3700 | ▼ Commodity: Bhindi(Ladies Finger) Variety: Bhindi Min.Price: ₹3500 Max.Price: ₹3700 Modal Price: ₹3600 |
Peren (लौकी-Bottle gourd) ₹2000 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Bottle gourd Variety: Bottle gourd-Organic Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2300 |
Mon (खीरा-Cucumbar(Kheera)) ₹7500 -
₹8500 | ▼ Commodity: Cucumbar(Kheera) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹7500 Max.Price: ₹8500 Modal Price: ₹8000 |
Peren (कद्दू-Pumpkin) ₹4070 -
₹4070 | ▼ Commodity: Pumpkin Variety: Pumpkin Min.Price: ₹4070 Max.Price: ₹4070 Modal Price: ₹4070 |
Tuensang (रतालू-Yam (Ratalu)) ₹5600 -
₹7000 | ▼ Commodity: Yam (Ratalu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹5600 Max.Price: ₹7000 Modal Price: ₹6300 |
Wokha (मक्का-Maize) ₹7300 -
₹8000 | ▼ Commodity: Maize Variety: Hybrid/Local Min.Price: ₹7300 Max.Price: ₹8000 Modal Price: ₹7500 |
Kohima (-Chow Chow) ₹2300 -
₹2700 | ▼ Commodity: Chow Chow Variety: Chow Chow Min.Price: ₹2300 Max.Price: ₹2700 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Dimapur (हरा केला-Banana - Green) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Banana - Green Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Kiphire (Yam-Yam) ₹7000 -
₹9000 | ▼ Commodity: Yam Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹7000 Max.Price: ₹9000 Modal Price: ₹8000 |
Longleng (साबूदाना-Tapioca) ₹3500 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Tapioca Variety: Tapioca Min.Price: ₹3500 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3800 |
Kohima (गीली अदरक-Ginger(Green)) ₹2000 -
₹2800 | ▼ Commodity: Ginger(Green) Variety: Green Ginger Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2800 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Kohima (फूलगोभी-Cauliflower) ₹2500 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Cauliflower Variety: Cauliflower Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹2700 |
Mokokchung (हल्दी (कच्चा)-Turmeric (raw)) ₹2000 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Turmeric (raw) Variety: Turmeric (raw) Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2200 |
Wokha (धान (सादा)-Paddy(Dhan)(Common)) ₹8000 -
₹8300 | ▼ Commodity: Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹8300 Modal Price: ₹8100 |
Mokokchung (अदरक (सूखी)-Ginger(Dry)) ₹20070 -
₹20070 | ▼ Commodity: Ginger(Dry) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹20070 Max.Price: ₹20070 Modal Price: ₹20070 |
Kiphire (पेठा (मिठाई वाला)-Ashgourd) ₹1900 -
₹2100 | ▼ Commodity: Ashgourd Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1900 Max.Price: ₹2100 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Phek (अरबी-Colacasia) ₹2500 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Colacasia Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Mokokchung (प्याज-Onion) ₹3300 -
₹3300 | ▼ Commodity: Onion Variety: Onion Min.Price: ₹3300 Max.Price: ₹3300 Modal Price: ₹3300 |
Tuensang (पान के पत्ते-Betal Leaves) ₹1300 -
₹1600 | ▼ Commodity: Betal Leaves Variety: Ambadi Min.Price: ₹1300 Max.Price: ₹1600 Modal Price: ₹1400 |
Mon (पपीता-Papaya) ₹4000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Papaya Variety: Papaya-Organic Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹4500 |
Kohima (संतरा-Orange) ₹10000 -
₹12000 | ▼ Commodity: Orange Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹10000 Max.Price: ₹12000 Modal Price: ₹11000 |
Tuensang (हल्दी-Turmeric) ₹3000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Turmeric Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
Kohima (नींबू-Lemon) ₹4200 -
₹4200 | ▼ Commodity: Lemon Variety: Lemon Min.Price: ₹4200 Max.Price: ₹4200 Modal Price: ₹4200 |
Zunheboto (सोयाबीन-Soyabean) ₹4700 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Soyabean Variety: Soyabeen Min.Price: ₹4700 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹4800 |
Phek (नीम की पत्तियां-Season Leaves) ₹2000 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Season Leaves Variety: Season Leaves Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2300 |
Kohima (सेम-Indian Beans (Seam)) ₹4500 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Indian Beans (Seam) Variety: Indian Beans (Seam) Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Mokokchung (गाजर-Carrot) ₹7500 -
₹8500 | ▼ Commodity: Carrot Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹7500 Max.Price: ₹8500 Modal Price: ₹8000 |
Peren (शकरकंद-Sweet Potato) ₹2100 -
₹2100 | ▼ Commodity: Sweet Potato Variety: Sweet Potato Min.Price: ₹2100 Max.Price: ₹2100 Modal Price: ₹2100 |
Dimapur (ग्वार फली-Cluster beans) ₹4300 -
₹4300 | ▼ Commodity: Cluster beans Variety: Cluster Beans Min.Price: ₹4300 Max.Price: ₹4300 Modal Price: ₹4300 |
Wokha (आलूबुखारा-Plum) ₹4000 -
₹4300 | ▼ Commodity: Plum Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4300 Modal Price: ₹4200 |
Peren (अनानास-Pineapple) ₹4000 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Pineapple Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹4500 |
Kohima (कागजी नींबू-Lime) ₹3000 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Lime Variety: Lime Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3200 |
Peren (तरबूज-Water Melon) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Water Melon Variety: Water Melon Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Peren (मूली-Raddish) ₹4000 -
₹4300 | ▼ Commodity: Raddish Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4300 Modal Price: ₹4200 |
Kohima (लाल मिर्च -Chili Red) ₹5500 -
₹7000 | ▼ Commodity: Chili Red Variety: Red Min.Price: ₹5500 Max.Price: ₹7000 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Zunheboto (फ्रेंच बीन्स-French Beans (Frasbean)) ₹3200 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: French Beans (Frasbean) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3200 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3400 |
Mokokchung (Colocasia-Colocasia) ₹3800 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Colocasia Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3800 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3900 |
Mokokchung (Paddy-Paddy) ₹4000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Paddy Variety: Paddy Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Kohima (Ash Gourd-Ash Gourd) ₹2500 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Ash Gourd Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Peren (जिमीकंद (सब्जी)-Yam (vegetable)) ₹35 -
₹40 | ▼ Commodity: Yam (vegetable) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹35 Max.Price: ₹40 Modal Price: ₹37 |
Kohima (Bhindi(Lady Finger)-Bhindi(Lady Finger)) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Bhindi(Lady Finger) Variety: Bhindi Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Zunheboto (Cucumber(Kheera)-Cucumber(Kheera)) ₹1800 -
₹1800 | ▼ Commodity: Cucumber(Kheera) Variety: Cucumbar Min.Price: ₹1800 Max.Price: ₹1800 Modal Price: ₹1800 |
Mokokchung (सुपारी-Arecanut(Betelnut/Supari)) ₹2500 -
₹2700 | ▼ Commodity: Arecanut(Betelnut/Supari) Variety: Red Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2700 Modal Price: ₹2600 |
Kohima (सफेद कद्दू-White Pumpkin) ₹2200 -
₹2800 | ▼ Commodity: White Pumpkin Variety: White Pumpkin Min.Price: ₹2200 Max.Price: ₹2800 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Wokha (सुअर-Pigs) ₹28 -
₹35 | ▼ Commodity: Pigs Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹28 Max.Price: ₹35 Modal Price: ₹31 |
Mon (कटहल-Jack Fruit) ₹2800 -
₹2800 | ▼ Commodity: Jack Fruit Variety: Jack Fruit Min.Price: ₹2800 Max.Price: ₹2800 Modal Price: ₹2800 |
Tuensang (Other green and fresh vegetables-Other green and fresh vegetables) ₹3700 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Other green and fresh vegetables Variety: Other green and fresh vegetables-Organic Min.Price: ₹3700 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3900 |
Mon (मछली-Fish) ₹4300 -
₹4700 | ▼ Commodity: Fish Variety: Bata Putti Min.Price: ₹4300 Max.Price: ₹4700 Modal Price: ₹4500 |
Mon (कँगनी-Foxtail Millet(Navane)) ₹7500 -
₹10100 | ▼ Commodity: Foxtail Millet(Navane) Variety: Navane Hybrid Min.Price: ₹7500 Max.Price: ₹10100 Modal Price: ₹8300 |
Mon (चप्पल कद्दू-Squash(ChappalKadoo)) ₹2000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Squash(ChappalKadoo) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Mon (मुर्गी-Hen) ₹5000 -
₹5700 | ▼ Commodity: Hen Variety: Boiler\/Firm(White) Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5700 Modal Price: ₹5300 |
मंडी भाव (Mandi Bhav ), खेती ज्ञान वेबसाइट का एक हिस्सा है जिसमे हम किसान भाइयो को हर तरह की मंडी के भाव (Rates) बताते है। इस वेबसाइट पर मंडी की ताज़ा रिपोर्ट होती है जो की सरकार द्वारा डाटा एपीआई के निकाली जाती है। इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी तरह के फल,सब्ज़ी, अनाज, और हर तरह की फसल जो आपकी मंडी में बिकती है उसके रेट पता कर सकते है।