Mahesana Mandi Bhav Today | आज का मंडी भाव | Commodity Market Rate
In the Mahesana mandi, mandibhav reflects the vibrant economy across its cities, guiding both locals and businesses. Markets teem with fresh produce and spices, showcasing the area's rich culture and agricultural bounty. This daily commodity pricing not only fuels local commerce but also attracts regional investment, highlighting Mahesana's significance as a dynamic economic and cultural hub.
Mehsana Mandi Bhav Today
बाजरा-Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) ₹2105 -
₹2205 | ▼ Commodity: Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Variety: Local Min.Price: ₹2105 Max.Price: ₹2205 Modal Price: ₹2150 |
अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed ₹5750 -
₹6310 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Castor seed Min.Price: ₹5750 Max.Price: ₹6310 Modal Price: ₹6265 |
सरसों-Mustard ₹5615 -
₹5670 | ▼ Commodity: Mustard Variety: Mustard Min.Price: ₹5615 Max.Price: ₹5670 Modal Price: ₹5635 |
गेहूं-Wheat ₹2825 -
₹3200 | ▼ Commodity: Wheat Variety: Local Min.Price: ₹2825 Max.Price: ₹3200 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed ₹5995 -
₹6050 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹5995 Max.Price: ₹6050 Modal Price: ₹6035 |
Mehsana(Jornang) Mandi Bhav Today
बाजरा-Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) ₹1755 -
₹2110 | ▼ Commodity: Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Variety: Local Min.Price: ₹1755 Max.Price: ₹2110 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed ₹6130 -
₹6175 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Castor seed Min.Price: ₹6130 Max.Price: ₹6175 Modal Price: ₹6150 |
गेहूं-Wheat ₹2755 -
₹3300 | ▼ Commodity: Wheat Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2755 Max.Price: ₹3300 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
सरसों-Mustard ₹4950 -
₹4950 | ▼ Commodity: Mustard Variety: Mustard Min.Price: ₹4950 Max.Price: ₹4950 Modal Price: ₹4950 |
Unjha Mandi Bhav Today
अजवाइन-Ajwan ₹9005 -
₹11625 | ▼ Commodity: Ajwan Variety: Ajwan Min.Price: ₹9005 Max.Price: ₹11625 Modal Price: ₹10250 |
धनिये के बीज-Corriander seed ₹6750 -
₹7275 | ▼ Commodity: Corriander seed Variety: Coriander Seed Min.Price: ₹6750 Max.Price: ₹7275 Modal Price: ₹7000 |
जीरा-Cummin Seed(Jeera) ₹20300 -
₹24975 | ▼ Commodity: Cummin Seed(Jeera) Variety: Cummin Seed(Jeera) Min.Price: ₹20300 Max.Price: ₹24975 Modal Price: ₹22500 |
ईसबगोल-Isabgul (Psyllium) ₹12350 -
₹13875 | ▼ Commodity: Isabgul (Psyllium) Variety: Isabgul (Psyllium) Min.Price: ₹12350 Max.Price: ₹13875 Modal Price: ₹13000 |
सरसों-Mustard ₹5630 -
₹5630 | ▼ Commodity: Mustard Variety: Mustard Min.Price: ₹5630 Max.Price: ₹5630 Modal Price: ₹5630 |
Vijapur Mandi Bhav Today
अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed ₹6350 -
₹6475 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹6350 Max.Price: ₹6475 Modal Price: ₹6400 |
गेहूं-Wheat ₹2750 -
₹3300 | ▼ Commodity: Wheat Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2750 Max.Price: ₹3300 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
ज्वार-Jowar(Sorghum) ₹3675 -
₹3955 | ▼ Commodity: Jowar(Sorghum) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3675 Max.Price: ₹3955 Modal Price: ₹3750 |
मूंगफली-Groundnut ₹4700 -
₹6705 | ▼ Commodity: Groundnut Variety: Balli/Habbu Min.Price: ₹4700 Max.Price: ₹6705 Modal Price: ₹6600 |
Vijapur(veg) Mandi Bhav Today
हरी मिर्च-Green Chilli ₹1500 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Green Chilli Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
आलू-Potato ₹1500 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Potato Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
पत्ता गोभी-Cabbage ₹3000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Cabbage Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
गवार बीज-Guar Seed(Cluster Beans Seed) ₹1500 -
₹6000 | ▼ Commodity: Guar Seed(Cluster Beans Seed) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹6000 Modal Price: ₹3750 |
Visnagar Mandi Bhav Today
बाजरा-Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) ₹2350 -
₹2560 | ▼ Commodity: Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2350 Max.Price: ₹2560 Modal Price: ₹2490 |
अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed ₹6005 -
₹6327 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹6005 Max.Price: ₹6327 Modal Price: ₹6166 |
कपास-Cotton ₹6000 -
₹7345 | ▼ Commodity: Cotton Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹6000 Max.Price: ₹7345 Modal Price: ₹6672 |
सरसों-Mustard ₹4500 -
₹6375 | ▼ Commodity: Mustard Variety: Mustard Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹6375 Modal Price: ₹6300 |
Fennel-Fennel ₹4500 -
₹19750 | ▼ Commodity: Fennel Variety: Soanf Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹19750 Modal Price: ₹5050 |
Kadi Mandi Bhav Today
बाजरा-Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) ₹2175 -
₹2475 | ▼ Commodity: Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Variety: Deshi Min.Price: ₹2175 Max.Price: ₹2475 Modal Price: ₹2300 |
अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed ₹6150 -
₹6315 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Caster Min.Price: ₹6150 Max.Price: ₹6315 Modal Price: ₹6225 |
गेहूं-Wheat ₹2850 -
₹3230 | ▼ Commodity: Wheat Variety: Deshi Min.Price: ₹2850 Max.Price: ₹3230 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
जीरा-Cummin Seed(Jeera) ₹20880 -
₹20880 | ▼ Commodity: Cummin Seed(Jeera) Variety: Medium Min.Price: ₹20880 Max.Price: ₹20880 Modal Price: ₹20880 |
गवार बीज-Guar Seed(Cluster Beans Seed) ₹4100 -
₹4755 | ▼ Commodity: Guar Seed(Cluster Beans Seed) Variety: Whole Min.Price: ₹4100 Max.Price: ₹4755 Modal Price: ₹4700 |
Mehsana(Mehsana Veg) Mandi Bhav Today
केला-Banana ₹1500 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Banana Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
पत्ता गोभी-Cabbage ₹250 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Cabbage Variety: Cabbage Min.Price: ₹250 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹800 |
फूलगोभी-Cauliflower ₹250 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Cauliflower Variety: Cauliflower Min.Price: ₹250 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹750 |
हरी मिर्च-Green Chilli ₹500 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Green Chilli Variety: Green Chilly Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹3250 |
नींबू-Lemon ₹2500 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Lemon Variety: Lemon Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
Kadi(Kadi cotton Yard) Mandi Bhav Today
कपास-Cotton ₹6945 -
₹7325 | ▼ Commodity: Cotton Variety: Shanker 6 (B) 30mm FIne Min.Price: ₹6945 Max.Price: ₹7325 Modal Price: ₹7100 |
Vijapur(Gojjariya) Mandi Bhav Today
मूंगफली-Groundnut ₹4850 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Groundnut Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4850 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹5250 |
मंडी भाव (Mandi Bhav ), खेती ज्ञान वेबसाइट का एक हिस्सा है जिसमे हम किसान भाइयो को हर तरह की मंडी के भाव (Rates) बताते है। इस वेबसाइट पर मंडी की ताज़ा रिपोर्ट होती है जो की सरकार द्वारा डाटा एपीआई के निकाली जाती है। इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी तरह के फल,सब्ज़ी, अनाज, और हर तरह की फसल जो आपकी मंडी में बिकती है उसके रेट पता कर सकते है।