Goa Mandi Bhav Today | आज का मंडी भाव | Commodity Market Rate
Check out what's happening in Goa! We're keeping an eye on the daily 'mandibhav' or market rates for everything from veggies to grains. It's like getting the lowdown on the whole market scene right here in Goa. This is great for all of us farmers and buyers to know what's what. Whether you're selling your harvest or just curious, our page has got the freshest updates. It's all about boosting our local farming community. Swing by and stay in the loop!
Goa Mandi Bhav Today
North Goa (सुपारी-Arecanut(Betelnut/Supari)) ₹31100 -
₹31100 | ▼ Commodity: Arecanut(Betelnut/Supari) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹31100 Max.Price: ₹31100 Modal Price: ₹31100 |
South Goa (नारियल-Coconut) ₹9 -
₹9 | ▼ Commodity: Coconut Variety: Coconut Min.Price: ₹9 Max.Price: ₹9 Modal Price: ₹9 |
North Goa (केला-Banana) ₹2000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Banana Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
North Goa (पपीता-Papaya) ₹1500 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Papaya Variety: Papaya Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
North Goa (अनानास-Pineapple) ₹1500 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Pineapple Variety: Pine Apple Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
North Goa (अंगूर-Grapes) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Grapes Variety: Green Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
North Goa (प्याज-Onion) ₹2200 -
₹2700 | ▼ Commodity: Onion Variety: Onion Min.Price: ₹2200 Max.Price: ₹2700 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
North Goa (आलू-Potato) ₹2500 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Potato Variety: Potato Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
North Goa (तरबूज-Water Melon) ₹1500 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Water Melon Variety: Water Melon Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
South Goa (काजू-Cashewnuts) ₹10000 -
₹10000 | ▼ Commodity: Cashewnuts Variety: Local(Raw) Min.Price: ₹10000 Max.Price: ₹10000 Modal Price: ₹10000 |
North Goa (मोसम्बी-Mousambi(Sweet Lime)) ₹4000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Variety: Mousambi Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
North Goa (हरी मिर्च-Green Chilli) ₹3700 -
₹3700 | ▼ Commodity: Green Chilli Variety: Green Chilly Min.Price: ₹3700 Max.Price: ₹3700 Modal Price: ₹3700 |
North Goa (चीकू-Chikoos(Sapota)) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Chikoos(Sapota) Variety: Sapota Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
North Goa (सेब-Apple) ₹10000 -
₹10000 | ▼ Commodity: Apple Variety: Apple Min.Price: ₹10000 Max.Price: ₹10000 Modal Price: ₹10000 |
North Goa (आम-Mango) ₹2000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Mango Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
South Goa (खोपरा-Copra) ₹7400 -
₹7400 | ▼ Commodity: Copra Variety: Copra Min.Price: ₹7400 Max.Price: ₹7400 Modal Price: ₹7400 |
North Goa (गुलाब का फूल-Rose(Loose)) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Rose(Loose) Variety: Rose(Loose) Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
मंडी भाव (Mandi Bhav ), खेती ज्ञान वेबसाइट का एक हिस्सा है जिसमे हम किसान भाइयो को हर तरह की मंडी के भाव (Rates) बताते है। इस वेबसाइट पर मंडी की ताज़ा रिपोर्ट होती है जो की सरकार द्वारा डाटा एपीआई के निकाली जाती है। इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी तरह के फल,सब्ज़ी, अनाज, और हर तरह की फसल जो आपकी मंडी में बिकती है उसके रेट पता कर सकते है।