NCT of Delhi Mandi Bhav Today | आज का मंडी भाव | Commodity Market Rate
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NCT of Delhi Mandi Bhav Today
Delhi (मुर्गा-Cock) ₹320 -
₹440 | ▼ Commodity: Cock Variety: Deshi Min.Price: ₹320 Max.Price: ₹440 Modal Price: ₹380 |
Delhi (मछली-Fish) ₹30000 -
₹40000 | ▼ Commodity: Fish Variety: Zinga(Zambo-C) Min.Price: ₹30000 Max.Price: ₹40000 Modal Price: ₹35000 |
Delhi (मुर्गी-Hen) ₹24 -
₹34 | ▼ Commodity: Hen Variety: Boiler/Firm(White-Brown) Min.Price: ₹24 Max.Price: ₹34 Modal Price: ₹29 |
Delhi (लाल गेंदा के फूल-Carnation) ₹4 -
₹8 | ▼ Commodity: Carnation Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4 Max.Price: ₹8 Modal Price: ₹5 |
Delhi (ग्लैडियोलस कट फ्लावर-Gladiolus Cut Flower) ₹1 -
₹1 | ▼ Commodity: Gladiolus Cut Flower Variety: Gladiolus Cut Flower Min.Price: ₹1 Max.Price: ₹1 Modal Price: ₹1 |
Delhi (जरबेरा फूल-Jarbara) ₹30 -
₹50 | ▼ Commodity: Jarbara Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹30 Max.Price: ₹50 Modal Price: ₹40 |
Delhi (लिली-Lilly) ₹400 -
₹600 | ▼ Commodity: Lilly Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹400 Max.Price: ₹600 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Delhi (गेंदे के फूल (मैरीगोल्ड)-Marigold(Calcutta)) ₹10 -
₹23 | ▼ Commodity: Marigold(Calcutta) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹10 Max.Price: ₹23 Modal Price: ₹18 |
Delhi (आर्किड-Orchid) ₹25 -
₹27 | ▼ Commodity: Orchid Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹25 Max.Price: ₹27 Modal Price: ₹26 |
Delhi (गुलाब (स्थानीय)-Rose(Local)) ₹0 -
₹0 | ▼ Commodity: Rose(Local) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹0 Max.Price: ₹0 Modal Price: ₹0 |
Delhi (रजनीगन्धा (डबल)-Tube Rose(Double)) ₹1 -
₹2 | ▼ Commodity: Tube Rose(Double) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1 Max.Price: ₹2 Modal Price: ₹2 |
Delhi (रजनीगन्धा (एकल)-Tube Rose(Single)) ₹1 -
₹1 | ▼ Commodity: Tube Rose(Single) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1 Max.Price: ₹1 Modal Price: ₹1 |
Delhi (सेब-Apple) ₹833 -
₹4167 | ▼ Commodity: Apple Variety: Hajratbali Min.Price: ₹833 Max.Price: ₹4167 Modal Price: ₹2333 |
Delhi (केला-Banana) ₹2500 -
₹3100 | ▼ Commodity: Banana Variety: Khandesh Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹3100 Modal Price: ₹2900 |
Delhi (भिंडी-Bhindi(Ladies Finger)) ₹1500 -
₹6000 | ▼ Commodity: Bhindi(Ladies Finger) Variety: Bhindi Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹6000 Modal Price: ₹4167 |
Delhi (अंगूर-Grapes) ₹3000 -
₹10000 | ▼ Commodity: Grapes Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹10000 Modal Price: ₹8250 |
Delhi (ग्वार-Guar) ₹1500 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Guar Variety: Gwar Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹2850 |
Delhi (नींबू-Lemon) ₹1000 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Lemon Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2100 |
Delhi (आम-Mango) ₹1600 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Mango Variety: Saroli Min.Price: ₹1600 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹2800 |
Delhi (संतरा-Orange) ₹750 -
₹4250 | ▼ Commodity: Orange Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹750 Max.Price: ₹4250 Modal Price: ₹2635 |
Delhi (परवल-Pointed gourd (Parval)) ₹2500 -
₹8000 | ▼ Commodity: Pointed gourd (Parval) Variety: Pointed gourd (Parval) Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹8000 Modal Price: ₹5500 |
Delhi (मूली-Raddish) ₹600 -
₹1600 | ▼ Commodity: Raddish Variety: Raddish Min.Price: ₹600 Max.Price: ₹1600 Modal Price: ₹1100 |
Delhi (BOP-BOP) ₹50 -
₹70 | ▼ Commodity: BOP Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹50 Max.Price: ₹70 Modal Price: ₹60 |
Delhi (कमल के फूल-Lotus) ₹15 -
₹35 | ▼ Commodity: Lotus Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹15 Max.Price: ₹35 Modal Price: ₹25 |
Delhi (रेबेल-Raibel) ₹40000 -
₹80000 | ▼ Commodity: Raibel Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹40000 Max.Price: ₹80000 Modal Price: ₹60000 |
Delhi (गुलाब का फूल-Rose(Loose)) ₹9000 -
₹11000 | ▼ Commodity: Rose(Loose) Variety: Rose(Loose) Min.Price: ₹9000 Max.Price: ₹11000 Modal Price: ₹10000 |
Delhi (रतालू-Yam (Ratalu)) ₹1000 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Yam (Ratalu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2400 |
Delhi (Patti Calcutta-Patti Calcutta) ₹9000 -
₹20000 | ▼ Commodity: Patti Calcutta Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹9000 Max.Price: ₹20000 Modal Price: ₹15000 |
Delhi (Anthorium-Anthorium) ₹60 -
₹80 | ▼ Commodity: Anthorium Variety: Anthorium Min.Price: ₹60 Max.Price: ₹80 Modal Price: ₹70 |
Delhi (Jaffri-Jaffri) ₹8000 -
₹16000 | ▼ Commodity: Jaffri Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹16000 Modal Price: ₹9500 |
Delhi (गेंदे के फूल-Marigold(loose)) ₹300 -
₹500 | ▼ Commodity: Marigold(loose) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹300 Max.Price: ₹500 Modal Price: ₹400 |
Delhi (साबुत अरहर दाल -Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole)) ₹8000 -
₹8000 | ▼ Commodity: Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Variety: Arhar Dal(Tur) Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹8000 Modal Price: ₹8000 |
Delhi (Marget-Marget) ₹8000 -
₹15000 | ▼ Commodity: Marget Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹15000 Modal Price: ₹10000 |
Delhi (Tube Rose(Loose)-Tube Rose(Loose)) ₹4000 -
₹8000 | ▼ Commodity: Tube Rose(Loose) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹8000 Modal Price: ₹6200 |
Delhi (आलू-Potato) ₹400 -
₹2400 | ▼ Commodity: Potato Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹400 Max.Price: ₹2400 Modal Price: ₹1308 |
Delhi (Chrysanthemum-Chrysanthemum) ₹3 -
₹4 | ▼ Commodity: Chrysanthemum Variety: Chrysathemum(Loose) Min.Price: ₹3 Max.Price: ₹4 Modal Price: ₹4 |
Delhi (पपीता-Papaya) ₹875 -
₹2250 | ▼ Commodity: Papaya Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹875 Max.Price: ₹2250 Modal Price: ₹1438 |
Delhi (शकरकंद-Sweet Potato) ₹1000 -
₹2200 | ▼ Commodity: Sweet Potato Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹2200 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Delhi (गुलदाउदी-Chrysanthemum(Loose)) ₹8000 -
₹19000 | ▼ Commodity: Chrysanthemum(Loose) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹19000 Modal Price: ₹11000 |
Delhi (Delha-Delha) ₹10000 -
₹20000 | ▼ Commodity: Delha Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹10000 Max.Price: ₹20000 Modal Price: ₹15000 |
Delhi (Astera-Astera) ₹10000 -
₹25000 | ▼ Commodity: Astera Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹10000 Max.Price: ₹25000 Modal Price: ₹20000 |
Delhi (Jamun(Narale Hannu)-Jamun(Narale Hannu)) ₹3000 -
₹11000 | ▼ Commodity: Jamun(Narale Hannu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹11000 Modal Price: ₹8000 |
Delhi (Rose(Loose))-Rose(Loose))) ₹15000 -
₹25000 | ▼ Commodity: Rose(Loose)) Variety: Rose(Loose) Min.Price: ₹15000 Max.Price: ₹25000 Modal Price: ₹20000 |
Delhi (Persimon(Japani Fal)-Persimon(Japani Fal)) ₹6667 -
₹21429 | ▼ Commodity: Persimon(Japani Fal) Variety: Persimon(Japani Fal) Min.Price: ₹6667 Max.Price: ₹21429 Modal Price: ₹12857 |
मंडी भाव (Mandi Bhav ), खेती ज्ञान वेबसाइट का एक हिस्सा है जिसमे हम किसान भाइयो को हर तरह की मंडी के भाव (Rates) बताते है। इस वेबसाइट पर मंडी की ताज़ा रिपोर्ट होती है जो की सरकार द्वारा डाटा एपीआई के निकाली जाती है। इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी तरह के फल,सब्ज़ी, अनाज, और हर तरह की फसल जो आपकी मंडी में बिकती है उसके रेट पता कर सकते है।