Madhya Pradesh Mandi Bhav Today | आज का मंडी भाव | Commodity Market Rate
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Madhya Pradesh Mandi Bhav Today
Rajgarh (भिंडी-Bhindi(Ladies Finger)) ₹400 -
₹510 | ▼ Commodity: Bhindi(Ladies Finger) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹400 Max.Price: ₹510 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Morena (लौकी-Bottle gourd) ₹350 -
₹1000 | ▼ Commodity: Bottle gourd Variety: Bottle Gourd Min.Price: ₹350 Max.Price: ₹1000 Modal Price: ₹700 |
Dhar (बैंगन-Brinjal) ₹800 -
₹1000 | ▼ Commodity: Brinjal Variety: Brinjal Min.Price: ₹800 Max.Price: ₹1000 Modal Price: ₹894 |
Dhar (पत्ता गोभी-Cabbage) ₹1500 -
₹1600 | ▼ Commodity: Cabbage Variety: Cabbage Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1600 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
Morena (फूलगोभी-Cauliflower) ₹400 -
₹600 | ▼ Commodity: Cauliflower Variety: African Sarson Min.Price: ₹400 Max.Price: ₹600 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Mandsaur (टमाटर-Tomato) ₹500 -
₹500 | ▼ Commodity: Tomato Variety: Deshi Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹500 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Harda (धान (सादा)-Paddy(Dhan)(Common)) ₹2290 -
₹2290 | ▼ Commodity: Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Variety: Paddy Min.Price: ₹2290 Max.Price: ₹2290 Modal Price: ₹2290 |
Indore (लहसुन-Garlic) ₹5213 -
₹5213 | ▼ Commodity: Garlic Variety: Garlic-Organic Min.Price: ₹5213 Max.Price: ₹5213 Modal Price: ₹5213 |
Jabalpur (अदरक (सूखी)-Ginger(Dry)) ₹4650 -
₹4650 | ▼ Commodity: Ginger(Dry) Variety: Dry Min.Price: ₹4650 Max.Price: ₹4650 Modal Price: ₹4650 |
Dhar (हरी मिर्च-Green Chilli) ₹3000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Green Chilli Variety: Green Chilly Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
Ujjain (प्याज-Onion) ₹1071 -
₹1071 | ▼ Commodity: Onion Variety: Onion Min.Price: ₹1071 Max.Price: ₹1071 Modal Price: ₹1071 |
Shajapur (आलू-Potato) ₹1255 -
₹1255 | ▼ Commodity: Potato Variety: Desi Min.Price: ₹1255 Max.Price: ₹1255 Modal Price: ₹1255 |
Dhar (साबुत मूंग दाल-Green Gram (Moong)(Whole)) ₹7500 -
₹7500 | ▼ Commodity: Green Gram (Moong)(Whole) Variety: Green (Whole) Min.Price: ₹7500 Max.Price: ₹7500 Modal Price: ₹7500 |
Shajapur (काबुली चना-Kabuli Chana(Chickpeas-White)) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Kabuli Chana(Chickpeas-White) Variety: Double Dollar Chana Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Shivpuri (सरसों-Mustard) ₹5525 -
₹5525 | ▼ Commodity: Mustard Variety: Mustard-Organic Min.Price: ₹5525 Max.Price: ₹5525 Modal Price: ₹5525 |
Shivpuri (सोयाबीन-Soyabean) ₹3250 -
₹3300 | ▼ Commodity: Soyabean Variety: Soybean-Organic Min.Price: ₹3250 Max.Price: ₹3300 Modal Price: ₹3300 |
Sagar (गेहूं-Wheat) ₹2600 -
₹2600 | ▼ Commodity: Wheat Variety: Sujata Min.Price: ₹2600 Max.Price: ₹2600 Modal Price: ₹2600 |
Rajgarh (करेला-Bitter gourd) ₹1000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Bitter gourd Variety: Bitter Gourd Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Rajgarh (गिलकी (लोकी जैसी तुरई)-Sponge gourd) ₹1400 -
₹2600 | ▼ Commodity: Sponge gourd Variety: Sponge gourd Min.Price: ₹1400 Max.Price: ₹2600 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Betul (साबुत अरहर दाल -Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole)) ₹8950 -
₹8950 | ▼ Commodity: Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Variety: Arhar (Whole) Min.Price: ₹8950 Max.Price: ₹8950 Modal Price: ₹8950 |
Katni (राजगिरा-Amaranthus) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Amaranthus Variety: Cholai Bhaji Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Guna (सेब-Apple) ₹8000 -
₹9000 | ▼ Commodity: Apple Variety: Apple Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹9000 Modal Price: ₹8500 |
Harda (केला-Banana) ₹2700 -
₹2700 | ▼ Commodity: Banana Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2700 Max.Price: ₹2700 Modal Price: ₹2700 |
Shivpuri (शिमला मिर्च-Capsicum) ₹700 -
₹700 | ▼ Commodity: Capsicum Variety: Capsicum Min.Price: ₹700 Max.Price: ₹700 Modal Price: ₹700 |
Chhindwara (हरा धनिया-Coriander(Leaves)) ₹6725 -
₹6850 | ▼ Commodity: Coriander(Leaves) Variety: Coriander-Organic Min.Price: ₹6725 Max.Price: ₹6850 Modal Price: ₹6850 |
Guna (खीरा-Cucumbar(Kheera)) ₹3000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Cucumbar(Kheera) Variety: Cucumbar Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
Rajgarh (कद्दू-Pumpkin) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Pumpkin Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Dhar (तुरई-Ridgeguard(Tori)) ₹1100 -
₹1950 | ▼ Commodity: Ridgeguard(Tori) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1100 Max.Price: ₹1950 Modal Price: ₹1400 |
Khargone (साबुत चना दाल-Bengal Gram(Gram)(Whole)) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Bengal Gram(Gram)(Whole) Variety: Desi (F.A.Q. Split) Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Raisen (साबुत उरद दाल(काली दाल) -Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole)) ₹4900 -
₹4900 | ▼ Commodity: Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole) Variety: Urda\/Urd Min.Price: ₹4900 Max.Price: ₹4900 Modal Price: ₹4900 |
Chhatarpur (साबुत मसूर दाल-Lentil (Masur)(Whole)) ₹5651 -
₹5651 | ▼ Commodity: Lentil (Masur)(Whole) Variety: Masoor Gola Min.Price: ₹5651 Max.Price: ₹5651 Modal Price: ₹5801 |
Morena (मक्का-Maize) ₹1900 -
₹1901 | ▼ Commodity: Maize Variety: Deshi White Min.Price: ₹1900 Max.Price: ₹1901 Modal Price: ₹1901 |
Shivpuri (कुल्थी दाल-Kulthi(Horse Gram)) ₹4500 -
₹4550 | ▼ Commodity: Kulthi(Horse Gram) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹4550 Modal Price: ₹4530 |
Ujjain (मटर (सूखी)-Peas(Dry)) ₹2308 -
₹3750 | ▼ Commodity: Peas(Dry) Variety: Peas(Dry) Min.Price: ₹2308 Max.Price: ₹3750 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Badwani (कपास-Cotton) ₹6705 -
₹6712 | ▼ Commodity: Cotton Variety: Long fiber Min.Price: ₹6705 Max.Price: ₹6712 Modal Price: ₹6712 |
Jabalpur (जौ -Barley (Jau)) ₹2379 -
₹2400 | ▼ Commodity: Barley (Jau) Variety: Barley Min.Price: ₹2379 Max.Price: ₹2400 Modal Price: ₹2400 |
Indore (गीली अदरक-Ginger(Green)) ₹3000 -
₹4500 | ▼ Commodity: Ginger(Green) Variety: Green Ginger Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹4500 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Rajgarh (धनिये के बीज-Corriander seed) ₹5910 -
₹6105 | ▼ Commodity: Corriander seed Variety: Medium Green Min.Price: ₹5910 Max.Price: ₹6105 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Morena (पपीता-Papaya) ₹3200 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Papaya Variety: Papaya Min.Price: ₹3200 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3300 |
Guna (अनार-Pomegranate) ₹6000 -
₹7000 | ▼ Commodity: Pomegranate Variety: Pomogranate Min.Price: ₹6000 Max.Price: ₹7000 Modal Price: ₹6500 |
Satna (कोदो-Kodo Millet(Varagu)) ₹2060 -
₹2060 | ▼ Commodity: Kodo Millet(Varagu) Variety: Kondo Min.Price: ₹2060 Max.Price: ₹2060 Modal Price: ₹2060 |
Harda (काकड़ी-Long Melon(Kakri)) ₹600 -
₹600 | ▼ Commodity: Long Melon(Kakri) Variety: Long Melon (Kakri) Min.Price: ₹600 Max.Price: ₹600 Modal Price: ₹600 |
Dindori (रामतिल-Niger Seed (Ramtil)) ₹7998 -
₹7998 | ▼ Commodity: Niger Seed (Ramtil) Variety: Ramatilli Min.Price: ₹7998 Max.Price: ₹7998 Modal Price: ₹7998 |
Morena (बाजरा-Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu)) ₹2315 -
₹2315 | ▼ Commodity: Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2315 Max.Price: ₹2315 Modal Price: ₹2315 |
Indore (अरहर दाल (तूर दाल)-Arhar Dal(Tur Dal)) ₹8100 -
₹8100 | ▼ Commodity: Arhar Dal(Tur Dal) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹8100 Max.Price: ₹8100 Modal Price: ₹8100 |
Sagar (ज्वार-Jowar(Sorghum)) ₹2079 -
₹2079 | ▼ Commodity: Jowar(Sorghum) Variety: Jowar (Yellow) Min.Price: ₹2079 Max.Price: ₹2079 Modal Price: ₹2079 |
Rajgarh (नींबू-Lemon) ₹11500 -
₹12500 | ▼ Commodity: Lemon Variety: Lemon Min.Price: ₹11500 Max.Price: ₹12500 Modal Price: ₹12500 |
Badwani (हरी मटर-Green Peas) ₹2390 -
₹2390 | ▼ Commodity: Green Peas Variety: Pea Min.Price: ₹2390 Max.Price: ₹2390 Modal Price: ₹2390 |
Chhindwara (हरी मेथी-Methi(Leaves)) ₹500 -
₹700 | ▼ Commodity: Methi(Leaves) Variety: Methi Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹700 Modal Price: ₹600 |
Dhar (पालक-Spinach) ₹1000 -
₹1300 | ▼ Commodity: Spinach Variety: Spinach Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹1300 Modal Price: ₹1200 |
Satna (-Alasande Gram) ₹4600 -
₹4600 | ▼ Commodity: Alasande Gram Variety: Alasande Gram Min.Price: ₹4600 Max.Price: ₹4600 Modal Price: ₹4600 |
Dhar (मेथी (बीज)-Methi Seeds) ₹4000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Methi Seeds Variety: Methiseeds Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Anupur (हरा केला-Banana - Green) ₹4200 -
₹4400 | ▼ Commodity: Banana - Green Variety: Banana - Green Min.Price: ₹4200 Max.Price: ₹4400 Modal Price: ₹4400 |
Khargone (चना दाल-Bengal Gram Dal (Chana Dal)) ₹4000 -
₹4500 | ▼ Commodity: Bengal Gram Dal (Chana Dal) Variety: Bengal Gram (Split) Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4500 Modal Price: ₹4100 |
Sehore (मसूर दाल-Masur Dal) ₹6000 -
₹6000 | ▼ Commodity: Masur Dal Variety: Masur Dal Min.Price: ₹6000 Max.Price: ₹6000 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Katni (बाजरा-Millets) ₹2600 -
₹2600 | ▼ Commodity: Millets Variety: Millets Min.Price: ₹2600 Max.Price: ₹2600 Modal Price: ₹2600 |
Morena (मूली-Raddish) ₹350 -
₹350 | ▼ Commodity: Raddish Variety: Raddish Min.Price: ₹350 Max.Price: ₹350 Modal Price: ₹350 |
Neemuch (तिल-Sesamum(Sesame,Gingelly,Til)) ₹13000 -
₹13000 | ▼ Commodity: Sesamum(Sesame,Gingelly,Til) Variety: White Min.Price: ₹13000 Max.Price: ₹13000 Modal Price: ₹13000 |
Shivpuri (मूंगफली-Groundnut) ₹3900 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Groundnut Variety: Big (With Shell) Min.Price: ₹3900 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Morena (अरबी-Colacasia) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Colacasia Variety: Colacasia Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Khandwa (मूंगफली की फली (कच्ची)-Groundnut pods (raw)) ₹2000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Groundnut pods (raw) Variety: Groundnut pods (raw) Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Singrauli (अलसी का बीज-Linseed) ₹5500 -
₹5600 | ▼ Commodity: Linseed Variety: Flaxseed Min.Price: ₹5500 Max.Price: ₹5600 Modal Price: ₹5600 |
Neemuch (अजवाइन-Ajwan) ₹12500 -
₹12500 | ▼ Commodity: Ajwan Variety: Ajwan Min.Price: ₹12500 Max.Price: ₹12500 Modal Price: ₹12500 |
Neemuch (आँवला-Amla(Nelli Kai)) ₹7500 -
₹8000 | ▼ Commodity: Amla(Nelli Kai) Variety: Amla Min.Price: ₹7500 Max.Price: ₹8000 Modal Price: ₹8000 |
Neemuch (ईसबगोल-Isabgul (Psyllium)) ₹7900 -
₹15600 | ▼ Commodity: Isabgul (Psyllium) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹7900 Max.Price: ₹15600 Modal Price: ₹11750 |
Ujjain (उड़द दाल-Black Gram Dal (Urd Dal)) ₹5800 -
₹7590 | ▼ Commodity: Black Gram Dal (Urd Dal) Variety: Black Gram Dal Min.Price: ₹5800 Max.Price: ₹7590 Modal Price: ₹7000 |
Hoshangabad (ग्वार-Guar) ₹1100 -
₹1200 | ▼ Commodity: Guar Variety: Gwar Min.Price: ₹1100 Max.Price: ₹1200 Modal Price: ₹1100 |
Singroli (Lak(Teora)-Lak(Teora)) ₹4050 -
₹4201 | ▼ Commodity: Lak(Teora) Variety: Tiwada Min.Price: ₹4050 Max.Price: ₹4201 Modal Price: ₹4201 |
Harda (मोसम्बी-Mousambi(Sweet Lime)) ₹2200 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Variety: Mousambi Min.Price: ₹2200 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2200 |
Jabalpur (सफेद मटर-White Peas) ₹6101 -
₹6101 | ▼ Commodity: White Peas Variety: White Peas Min.Price: ₹6101 Max.Price: ₹6101 Modal Price: ₹6101 |
Narsinghpur (सेम-Indian Beans (Seam)) ₹1500 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Indian Beans (Seam) Variety: Indian Beans (Seam) Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹1800 |
Sheopur (गवार बीज-Guar Seed(Cluster Beans Seed)) ₹4900 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Guar Seed(Cluster Beans Seed) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹4900 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹5200 |
Ratlam (तारामीरा-Taramira) ₹2114 -
₹2343 | ▼ Commodity: Taramira Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2114 Max.Price: ₹2343 Modal Price: ₹2230 |
Shajapur (संतरा-Orange) ₹700 -
₹700 | ▼ Commodity: Orange Variety: Medium Min.Price: ₹700 Max.Price: ₹700 Modal Price: ₹700 |
Neemuch (जीरा-Cummin Seed(Jeera)) ₹21000 -
₹21700 | ▼ Commodity: Cummin Seed(Jeera) Variety: Cummin Seed(Jeera) Min.Price: ₹21000 Max.Price: ₹21700 Modal Price: ₹21700 |
Narsinghpur (धान (बासमती)-Paddy(Dhan)(Basmati)) ₹2000 -
₹2805 | ▼ Commodity: Paddy(Dhan)(Basmati) Variety: Basumathi Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2805 Modal Price: ₹2805 |
Dhar (लोबिया फली-Cowpea(Veg)) ₹1250 -
₹1650 | ▼ Commodity: Cowpea(Veg) Variety: Bean Barbati Min.Price: ₹1250 Max.Price: ₹1650 Modal Price: ₹1450 |
Katni (परवल-Pointed gourd (Parval)) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Pointed gourd (Parval) Variety: Pointed gourd (parwal) Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Ujjain (सीताफल -Seetapal) ₹3900 -
₹3900 | ▼ Commodity: Seetapal Variety: Seethaphal Min.Price: ₹3900 Max.Price: ₹3900 Modal Price: ₹3900 |
Narsinghpur (हरा छोला चना-Gram Raw(Chholia)) ₹1100 -
₹1240 | ▼ Commodity: Gram Raw(Chholia) Variety: Gram Raw(Chholia) Min.Price: ₹1100 Max.Price: ₹1240 Modal Price: ₹1200 |
Indore (गिली मटर-Peas Wet) ₹2500 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Peas Wet Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Shivpuri (मटर दाना-Peas cod) ₹1300 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Peas cod Variety: Peas cod Min.Price: ₹1300 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹1800 |
Shivpuri (शकरकंद-Sweet Potato) ₹1500 -
₹1800 | ▼ Commodity: Sweet Potato Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1800 Modal Price: ₹1600 |
Guna (अमरूद-Guava) ₹1000 -
₹1000 | ▼ Commodity: Guava Variety: Guava Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹1000 Modal Price: ₹1000 |
Khargone (अरंडी बीज-Castor Seed) ₹5750 -
₹5800 | ▼ Commodity: Castor Seed Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹5750 Max.Price: ₹5800 Modal Price: ₹5775 |
Morena (लाल मिर्च -Chili Red) ₹11200 -
₹11200 | ▼ Commodity: Chili Red Variety: Bold Min.Price: ₹11200 Max.Price: ₹11200 Modal Price: ₹11200 |
Guna (अंगूर-Grapes) ₹7000 -
₹7800 | ▼ Commodity: Grapes Variety: Green Min.Price: ₹7000 Max.Price: ₹7800 Modal Price: ₹7500 |
Panna (महुआ बीज-Mahua Seed(Hippe seed)) ₹2500 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Mahua Seed(Hippe seed) Variety: Mahua Seed Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Satna (गुड़ (गुड़)-Gur(Jaggery)) ₹2511 -
₹2521 | ▼ Commodity: Gur(Jaggery) Variety: Jaggery Min.Price: ₹2511 Max.Price: ₹2521 Modal Price: ₹2521 |
Harda (फ्रेंच बीन्स-French Beans (Frasbean)) ₹700 -
₹700 | ▼ Commodity: French Beans (Frasbean) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹700 Max.Price: ₹700 Modal Price: ₹700 |
Chhindwara (सूखी मिर्च-Dry Chillies) ₹6000 -
₹6000 | ▼ Commodity: Dry Chillies Variety: Red Min.Price: ₹6000 Max.Price: ₹6000 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Harda (चीकू-Chikoos(Sapota)) ₹4500 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Chikoos(Sapota) Variety: Sapota Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Harda (अनानास-Pineapple) ₹2000 -
₹2400 | ▼ Commodity: Pineapple Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2400 Modal Price: ₹2200 |
Morena (गाजर-Carrot) ₹2500 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Carrot Variety: Carrot Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Chhindwara (चुकंदर-Beetroot) ₹1000 -
₹1000 | ▼ Commodity: Beetroot Variety: Beetroot Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹1000 Modal Price: ₹1000 |
Jabalpur (मूंग दाल-Green Gram Dal (Moong Dal)) ₹7500 -
₹7500 | ▼ Commodity: Green Gram Dal (Moong Dal) Variety: Green gram Min.Price: ₹7500 Max.Price: ₹7500 Modal Price: ₹7500 |
Guna (बेर-Ber(Zizyphus/Borehannu)) ₹3000 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Ber(Zizyphus/Borehannu) Variety: Ber(Zizyphus) Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3200 |
Katni (रतालू-Yam (Ratalu)) ₹7000 -
₹7600 | ▼ Commodity: Yam (Ratalu) Variety: Yam (Ratalu) Min.Price: ₹7000 Max.Price: ₹7600 Modal Price: ₹7600 |
Badwani (सौंफ -Soanf) ₹5500 -
₹10000 | ▼ Commodity: Soanf Variety: Soanf Min.Price: ₹5500 Max.Price: ₹10000 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Katni (महुआ-Mahua) ₹3500 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Mahua Variety: Mahua Flower Min.Price: ₹3500 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3500 |
Dhar (सहजन फली-Drumstick) ₹13500 -
₹14500 | ▼ Commodity: Drumstick Variety: Drumstick Min.Price: ₹13500 Max.Price: ₹14500 Modal Price: ₹14500 |
Burhanpur (तरबूज-Water Melon) ₹500 -
₹500 | ▼ Commodity: Water Melon Variety: Water Melon Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹500 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Ujjain (खरबूजा-Karbuja(Musk Melon)) ₹1000 -
₹1000 | ▼ Commodity: Karbuja(Musk Melon) Variety: Karbhuja Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹1000 Modal Price: ₹1000 |
Harda (आम-Mango) ₹6800 -
₹7300 | ▼ Commodity: Mango Variety: Safeda Min.Price: ₹6800 Max.Price: ₹7300 Modal Price: ₹7300 |
Dhar (टिंडा-Tinda) ₹500 -
₹640 | ▼ Commodity: Tinda Variety: Tinda Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹640 Modal Price: ₹560 |
Morena (कच्चा आम-Mango (Raw-Ripe)) ₹3800 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Mango (Raw-Ripe) Variety: Mango - Raw-Ripe Min.Price: ₹3800 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Harda (कटहल-Jack Fruit) ₹500 -
₹500 | ▼ Commodity: Jack Fruit Variety: Jack Fruit Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹500 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Jhabua (इमली का बीज-Tamarind Seed) ₹2250 -
₹2250 | ▼ Commodity: Tamarind Seed Variety: Tamarind Seed Min.Price: ₹2250 Max.Price: ₹2250 Modal Price: ₹2250 |
Dindori (इमली का फल-Tamarind Fruit) ₹3000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Tamarind Fruit Variety: Tamarind Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Sheopur (ग्वार फली-Cluster beans) ₹2800 -
₹2800 | ▼ Commodity: Cluster beans Variety: Cluster Beans Min.Price: ₹2800 Max.Price: ₹2800 Modal Price: ₹2800 |
Dhar (Ridge gourd(Tori)-Ridge Gourd(Tori)) ₹5000 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Ridge Gourd(Tori) Variety: Ridgeguard(Tori) Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹5200 |
Dhar (मटर फली -Field Pea) ₹1300 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Field Pea Variety: Field Pea Min.Price: ₹1300 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1400 |
Singroli (Sunhemp-Sunhemp) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Sunhemp Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Gwalior (सोआ बीज-Suva (Dill Seed)) ₹5375 -
₹5700 | ▼ Commodity: Suva (Dill Seed) Variety: Suva (Dill Seed) Min.Price: ₹5375 Max.Price: ₹5700 Modal Price: ₹5450 |
Chhatarpur (नीम का बीज-Neem Seed) ₹3650 -
₹3650 | ▼ Commodity: Neem Seed Variety: Neem leaves Min.Price: ₹3650 Max.Price: ₹3650 Modal Price: ₹3650 |
Raisen (बीन्स-Beans) ₹6200 -
₹6600 | ▼ Commodity: Beans Variety: Beans (Whole) Min.Price: ₹6200 Max.Price: ₹6600 Modal Price: ₹6600 |
Ujjain (Seetafal-Seetafal) ₹1500 -
₹1700 | ▼ Commodity: Seetafal Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1700 Modal Price: ₹1625 |
Indore (गोल लौकी-Round gourd) ₹200 -
₹600 | ▼ Commodity: Round gourd Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹200 Max.Price: ₹600 Modal Price: ₹400 |
Indore (Jamun(Narale Hannu)-Jamun(Narale Hannu)) ₹17000 -
₹18000 | ▼ Commodity: Jamun(Narale Hannu) Variety: Jamun Min.Price: ₹17000 Max.Price: ₹18000 Modal Price: ₹18000 |
Morena (पेठा (मिठाई वाला)-Ashgourd) ₹250 -
₹250 | ▼ Commodity: Ashgourd Variety: Ashgourd Min.Price: ₹250 Max.Price: ₹250 Modal Price: ₹250 |
Ujjain (किन्नू-Kinnow) ₹3000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Kinnow Variety: Kinnow Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Khandwa (अल्संदिकई-Alsandikai) ₹1800 -
₹2492 | ▼ Commodity: Alsandikai Variety: Alsandikai Min.Price: ₹1800 Max.Price: ₹2492 Modal Price: ₹2230 |
Chhindwara (हल्दी-Turmeric) ₹23265 -
₹23265 | ▼ Commodity: Turmeric Variety: Finger Min.Price: ₹23265 Max.Price: ₹23265 Modal Price: ₹23265 |
Morena (Snake gourd-Snake Gourd) ₹1100 -
₹1100 | ▼ Commodity: Snake Gourd Variety: Snakeguard Min.Price: ₹1100 Max.Price: ₹1100 Modal Price: ₹1100 |
Katni (कुंदरू-Little gourd (Kundru)) ₹1800 -
₹1800 | ▼ Commodity: Little gourd (Kundru) Variety: Little gourd (Kundru) Min.Price: ₹1800 Max.Price: ₹1800 Modal Price: ₹1800 |
Morena (चिचिड़ा-Snakeguard) ₹300 -
₹300 | ▼ Commodity: Snakeguard Variety: Snakeguard Min.Price: ₹300 Max.Price: ₹300 Modal Price: ₹300 |
Dindori (Antawala-Antawala) ₹5000 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Antawala Variety: Antawala Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹5000 |
Guna (नाशपाती-Pear(Marasebu)) ₹1000 -
₹1350 | ▼ Commodity: Pear(Marasebu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹1350 Modal Price: ₹1220 |
Jabalpur (आलूबुखारा-Plum) ₹500 -
₹500 | ▼ Commodity: Plum Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹500 Max.Price: ₹500 Modal Price: ₹500 |
Sagar (कागजी नींबू-Lime) ₹1000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Lime Variety: Lime Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
Katni (कंटोला-Kartali (Kantola)) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Kartali (Kantola) Variety: Kartali (Kantola) Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Katni (Lotus Sticks-Lotus Sticks) ₹4000 -
₹4000 | ▼ Commodity: Lotus Sticks Variety: Lotus Sticks Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4000 Modal Price: ₹4000 |
Datia (Saffron-Saffron) ₹4000000 -
₹4000000 | ▼ Commodity: Saffron Variety: Saffron Min.Price: ₹4000000 Max.Price: ₹4000000 Modal Price: ₹4000000 |
Raisen (Bengal Gram (Chana)-Bengal Gram (Chana)) ₹6601 -
₹6601 | ▼ Commodity: Bengal Gram (Chana) Variety: Chana mausami Min.Price: ₹6601 Max.Price: ₹6601 Modal Price: ₹6601 |
Satna (Lentil (Masur) Dal-Lentil (Masur) Dal) ₹4500 -
₹4500 | ▼ Commodity: Lentil (Masur) Dal Variety: Masur Dal Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹4500 Modal Price: ₹4500 |
Sagar (Paddy-Paddy) ₹2772 -
₹2772 | ▼ Commodity: Paddy Variety: Paddy Min.Price: ₹2772 Max.Price: ₹2772 Modal Price: ₹2772 |
Bhopal (Masoor Dal-Masoor Dal) ₹5001 -
₹5001 | ▼ Commodity: Masoor Dal Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹5001 Max.Price: ₹5001 Modal Price: ₹5001 |
Ashok Nagar (Tevada-Tevada) ₹5215 -
₹5215 | ▼ Commodity: Tevada Variety: Tevada Min.Price: ₹5215 Max.Price: ₹5215 Modal Price: ₹5215 |
Neemuch (kidney bean-kidney bean) ₹9595 -
₹9595 | ▼ Commodity: kidney bean Variety: Rajma Min.Price: ₹9595 Max.Price: ₹9595 Modal Price: ₹9595 |
Gwalior (Fennel-Fennel) ₹5200 -
₹5200 | ▼ Commodity: Fennel Variety: Soanf Min.Price: ₹5200 Max.Price: ₹5200 Modal Price: ₹5200 |
Mandsaur (Coriander-Coriander) ₹4100 -
₹6451 | ▼ Commodity: Coriander Variety: Coriander Whole Min.Price: ₹4100 Max.Price: ₹6451 Modal Price: ₹5555 |
Gwalior (Sesame (Til)-Sesame (Til)) ₹9750 -
₹9750 | ▼ Commodity: Sesame (Til) Variety: Sesame Min.Price: ₹9750 Max.Price: ₹9750 Modal Price: ₹9750 |
Vidisha (buttery-buttery) ₹4950 -
₹4950 | ▼ Commodity: buttery Variety: Buttery Min.Price: ₹4950 Max.Price: ₹4950 Modal Price: ₹4950 |
Betul (साबुत अरहर दाल -Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole)) ₹8950 -
₹8950 | ▼ Commodity: Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Variety: Arhar (Whole) Min.Price: ₹8950 Max.Price: ₹8950 Modal Price: ₹8950 |
Narsinghpur (Sweet corn-Sweet corn) ₹900 -
₹900 | ▼ Commodity: Sweet corn Variety: Sweet corn Min.Price: ₹900 Max.Price: ₹900 Modal Price: ₹900 |
Sidhi (Kutki-Kutki) ₹2900 -
₹2900 | ▼ Commodity: Kutki Variety: Kutki Min.Price: ₹2900 Max.Price: ₹2900 Modal Price: ₹2900 |
Hoshangabad (Mustard greens leaves-Mustard greens leaves) ₹4800 -
₹4955 | ▼ Commodity: Mustard greens leaves Variety: Mustard leaf Min.Price: ₹4800 Max.Price: ₹4955 Modal Price: ₹4800 |
Morena (बाजरा-Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu)) ₹2315 -
₹2315 | ▼ Commodity: Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹2315 Max.Price: ₹2315 Modal Price: ₹2315 |
Neemuch (Ashwagandha-Ashwagandha) ₹24000 -
₹30000 | ▼ Commodity: Ashwagandha Variety: Ashwagandha Min.Price: ₹24000 Max.Price: ₹30000 Modal Price: ₹30000 |
Neemuch (लोबिया -Cowpea (Lobia/Karamani)) ₹2050 -
₹2050 | ▼ Commodity: Cowpea (Lobia/Karamani) Variety: Cowpea white Min.Price: ₹2050 Max.Price: ₹2050 Modal Price: ₹2050 |
Narsinghpur (Cucumber(Kheera)-Cucumber(Kheera)) ₹3000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Cucumber(Kheera) Variety: Cucumbar Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Dhar (नारियल-Coconut) ₹4000 -
₹4400 | ▼ Commodity: Coconut Variety: Coconut Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4400 Modal Price: ₹4400 |
Dhar (गंथ गोभी-KnoolKhol) ₹6000 -
₹6500 | ▼ Commodity: KnoolKhol Variety: Knool Khol Min.Price: ₹6000 Max.Price: ₹6500 Modal Price: ₹6500 |
Dhar (Ridge Gourd(Tori)-Ridge Gourd(Tori)) ₹5000 -
₹5500 | ▼ Commodity: Ridge Gourd(Tori) Variety: Ridgeguard(Tori) Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5500 Modal Price: ₹5200 |
Dhar (ग्रीन अवारे-Green Avare (W)) ₹5000 -
₹5400 | ▼ Commodity: Green Avare (W) Variety: Avare (W) Min.Price: ₹5000 Max.Price: ₹5400 Modal Price: ₹5400 |
Rajgarh (Bhindi(Lady Finger)-Bhindi(Lady Finger)) ₹3000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Bhindi(Lady Finger) Variety: Bhindi Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Morena (Snake Gourd-Snake Gourd) ₹1100 -
₹1100 | ▼ Commodity: Snake Gourd Variety: Snakeguard Min.Price: ₹1100 Max.Price: ₹1100 Modal Price: ₹1100 |
Dhar (साबूदाना-Tapioca) ₹2500 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Tapioca Variety: Tapioca Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Dhar (Elephant Yam (Suran) -Elephant Yam (Suran) ) ₹8000 -
₹8400 | ▼ Commodity: Elephant Yam (Suran) Variety: Elephant Yam (Suran) Min.Price: ₹8000 Max.Price: ₹8400 Modal Price: ₹8400 |
Jhabua (Marigold-Marigold) ₹750 -
₹750 | ▼ Commodity: Marigold Variety: Marigold(Calcutta) Min.Price: ₹750 Max.Price: ₹750 Modal Price: ₹750 |
Dhar (कच्चा नारियल-Tender Coconut) ₹2000 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Tender Coconut Variety: Tender Coconut Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Dhar (Mushroom-Mushroom) ₹15000 -
₹16000 | ▼ Commodity: Mushroom Variety: Mashrooms Min.Price: ₹15000 Max.Price: ₹16000 Modal Price: ₹16000 |
Dhar (Colocasia-Colocasia) ₹6500 -
₹6800 | ▼ Commodity: Colocasia Variety: Colacasia Min.Price: ₹6500 Max.Price: ₹6800 Modal Price: ₹6800 |
Morena (Radish-Radish) ₹1000 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Radish Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1000 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1200 |
Dhar (परमल-Thondekai) ₹4000 -
₹4500 | ▼ Commodity: Thondekai Variety: Thondekai Min.Price: ₹4000 Max.Price: ₹4500 Modal Price: ₹4500 |
Dhar (-Chow Chow) ₹4500 -
₹4800 | ▼ Commodity: Chow Chow Variety: Chow Chow Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹4800 Modal Price: ₹4800 |
Dhar (हरा प्याज-Onion Green) ₹4500 -
₹4800 | ▼ Commodity: Onion Green Variety: Onion Green Min.Price: ₹4500 Max.Price: ₹4800 Modal Price: ₹4800 |
Dhar (पुदीना-Mint(Pudina)) ₹6500 -
₹7000 | ▼ Commodity: Mint(Pudina) Variety: Mint(Pudina) Min.Price: ₹6500 Max.Price: ₹7000 Modal Price: ₹7000 |
Dhar (Ash Gourd-Ash Gourd) ₹2200 -
₹2400 | ▼ Commodity: Ash Gourd Variety: Gouard Min.Price: ₹2200 Max.Price: ₹2400 Modal Price: ₹2400 |
Sagar (चावल -Rice) ₹1200 -
₹1200 | ▼ Commodity: Rice Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹1200 Max.Price: ₹1200 Modal Price: ₹1200 |
Sagar (gulli-gulli) ₹4200 -
₹4331 | ▼ Commodity: gulli Variety: Gulli Min.Price: ₹4200 Max.Price: ₹4331 Modal Price: ₹4331 |
Balaghat (Behada-Behada) ₹800 -
₹800 | ▼ Commodity: Behada Variety: Behada Min.Price: ₹800 Max.Price: ₹800 Modal Price: ₹800 |
Sagar (आड़ू-Peach) ₹3779 -
₹3779 | ▼ Commodity: Peach Variety: Other Min.Price: ₹3779 Max.Price: ₹3779 Modal Price: ₹3779 |
Mandsaur (dried mango-dried mango) ₹29600 -
₹29600 | ▼ Commodity: dried mango Variety: with pulp Min.Price: ₹29600 Max.Price: ₹29600 Modal Price: ₹29600 |
Singrauli (Flax seeds-Flax seeds) ₹7699 -
₹7850 | ▼ Commodity: Flax seeds Variety: Flax seeds Min.Price: ₹7699 Max.Price: ₹7850 Modal Price: ₹7850 |
Jabalpur (Harrah-Harrah) ₹1205 -
₹1205 | ▼ Commodity: Harrah Variety: Harrah Min.Price: ₹1205 Max.Price: ₹1205 Modal Price: ₹1205 |
Ratlam (poppy seeds-poppy seeds) ₹80100 -
₹80100 | ▼ Commodity: poppy seeds Variety: Khaskhas Min.Price: ₹80100 Max.Price: ₹80100 Modal Price: ₹80100 |
Shajapur (Asalia-Asalia) ₹11560 -
₹12291 | ▼ Commodity: Asalia Variety: Asalia Min.Price: ₹11560 Max.Price: ₹12291 Modal Price: ₹12291 |
Mandla (Rayee-Rayee) ₹4800 -
₹5300 | ▼ Commodity: Rayee Variety: Raee Min.Price: ₹4800 Max.Price: ₹5300 Modal Price: ₹5300 |
Morena (Water chestnut-Water chestnut) ₹11555 -
₹18505 | ▼ Commodity: Water chestnut Variety: Water chestnut Min.Price: ₹11555 Max.Price: ₹18505 Modal Price: ₹18505 |
Shivpuri (Other green and fresh vegetables-Other green and fresh vegetables) ₹2000 -
₹2000 | ▼ Commodity: Other green and fresh vegetables Variety: Other green and fresh vegetables Min.Price: ₹2000 Max.Price: ₹2000 Modal Price: ₹2000 |
Alirajpur (basil-basil) ₹13821 -
₹13821 | ▼ Commodity: basil Variety: Basil seed Min.Price: ₹13821 Max.Price: ₹13821 Modal Price: ₹13821 |
Umaria (dhawai flowers-dhawai flowers) ₹3000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: dhawai flowers Variety: Flowers of Dhavai Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Betul (Gond-Gond) ₹2600 -
₹3200 | ▼ Commodity: Gond Variety: Gond Min.Price: ₹2600 Max.Price: ₹3200 Modal Price: ₹3100 |
Shahdol (Ratanjot-Ratanjot) ₹1500 -
₹1500 | ▼ Commodity: Ratanjot Variety: Ratanjot Min.Price: ₹1500 Max.Price: ₹1500 Modal Price: ₹1500 |
Khargone (गुलाब का फूल-Rose(Loose)) ₹6500 -
₹6500 | ▼ Commodity: Rose(Loose) Variety: Rose(Loose) Min.Price: ₹6500 Max.Price: ₹6500 Modal Price: ₹6500 |
Neemuch (Isabgol-Isabgol) ₹6700 -
₹12652 | ▼ Commodity: Isabgol Variety: Isabgol Min.Price: ₹6700 Max.Price: ₹12652 Modal Price: ₹12652 |
Mandsaur (nigella seeds-nigella seeds) ₹12300 -
₹15700 | ▼ Commodity: nigella seeds Variety: Kalonji\/Nigella Min.Price: ₹12300 Max.Price: ₹15700 Modal Price: ₹15700 |
Umaria (Absinthe-Absinthe) ₹3000 -
₹3000 | ▼ Commodity: Absinthe Variety: chirayta Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3000 Modal Price: ₹3000 |
Balaghat (तंबाकू-Tobacco) ₹1483 -
₹1483 | ▼ Commodity: Tobacco Variety: Tobacco Min.Price: ₹1483 Max.Price: ₹1483 Modal Price: ₹1483 |
Neemuch (Asgand-Asgand) ₹1250 -
₹1450 | ▼ Commodity: Asgand Variety: Asafoetida seeds Min.Price: ₹1250 Max.Price: ₹1450 Modal Price: ₹1450 |
Neemuch (Asparagus-Asparagus) ₹32400 -
₹32400 | ▼ Commodity: Asparagus Variety: Asparagus Min.Price: ₹32400 Max.Price: ₹32400 Modal Price: ₹32400 |
Singrauli (Pupadia-Pupadia) ₹2500 -
₹2500 | ▼ Commodity: Pupadia Variety: Pupadia Min.Price: ₹2500 Max.Price: ₹2500 Modal Price: ₹2500 |
Dhar (राजगीर-Rajgir) ₹6000 -
₹6000 | ▼ Commodity: Rajgir Variety: Rajgira Min.Price: ₹6000 Max.Price: ₹6000 Modal Price: ₹6000 |
Damoh (Soha-Soha) ₹3990 -
₹3990 | ▼ Commodity: Soha Variety: Soha Min.Price: ₹3990 Max.Price: ₹3990 Modal Price: ₹3990 |
Guna (बेर-Ber(Zizyphus/Borehannu)) ₹3000 -
₹3500 | ▼ Commodity: Ber(Zizyphus/Borehannu) Variety: Ber(Zizyphus) Min.Price: ₹3000 Max.Price: ₹3500 Modal Price: ₹3200 |
Tikamgarh (मोठ दाल-Moath Dal) ₹4600 -
₹5000 | ▼ Commodity: Moath Dal Variety: Moath (W) Min.Price: ₹4600 Max.Price: ₹5000 Modal Price: ₹4800 |
मंडी भाव (Mandi Bhav ), खेती ज्ञान वेबसाइट का एक हिस्सा है जिसमे हम किसान भाइयो को हर तरह की मंडी के भाव (Rates) बताते है। इस वेबसाइट पर मंडी की ताज़ा रिपोर्ट होती है जो की सरकार द्वारा डाटा एपीआई के निकाली जाती है। इस वेबसाइट पर आप सभी तरह के फल,सब्ज़ी, अनाज, और हर तरह की फसल जो आपकी मंडी में बिकती है उसके रेट पता कर सकते है।